Install the Ubuntu desktop
The sensor comes without a desktop enviroment installed. The reason is to save disk space and clutter from the sensor as it technically does not need a desktop environment. But, beeing an open platform, chances are that you as a developer would like to work on the sensor directly. For this a normal desktop environment is beneficial and can be easily installed via command line. Please follow these commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop
This will take a while as approx. 1 GB of data needs to be downloaded, unpacked and configured. The installation contains two packages, which require your interaction during install, please select the correct keyboard layout and your current geo-location when asked.
When these commands finish without error, the desktop environment is installed successfully. To make it available upon reboot, please set the default system boot target to “”:
sudo systemctl set-default
If there are no errors, the easiest way of switching to the desktop environment is a reboot:
sudo reboot
If you experience any issues during installation, please consider to contact our support.
Finally, after the reboot the system should boot to the greeter screen: